
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Chicken Wing at Beach + Leanna's Surprise Birthday Party

Pjal buzz us to plan the birthday party since 31st May.  The initial plan was to celebrate at Windbell Seafood Restaurant at Tg. Aru on the 18th, changed location to Tanamera luk luk and finally decided to do it yesterday, 17th June at Beach 1, Tg. Aru.  Hehehe since she'll be reaching KK on that day.  And since she wanted some chicken wings.

What's suppose to be a roughly 10 people party turned doubled.  19 people showed to the outing hehe.  Coz I did an invite via CSP fb page.  SUCCESSFUL PLAN IS SUCCESSFUL.  8D

I went there after my failed 3km run.  

Still coughing but screw it.  I want a big watermelon juice.

Had satay, chicken wings and peanuts for dinner.  I wanted lekor but I was too full!

Did I like uploaded 30 photos on the spot to facebook?  I think I did.  LOL.


Blueberry cake from Secret Recipe.

The peeps who came.

Yay met Dizzy!  It's been awhile.

Went back around 11pm.  I think I reach home nearly midnite.  Came back cleaning spam at the forum.  Deleted over 200 posts.  Showered and slept at 2am.  It was stressful.

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