
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Supermodel’s Secrets 3rd GIVEAWAY-10 prizes worth over RM 300 to be won!

Sharing is caring :) lets win something!

Btw, the online blogshop, Supermodel's Secrets is having a 3rd giveaway.  No, this is not a hoax.  It's true!  For more details, here.  I've purchase stuff (Carmex lipbalm and Wizzit) from there before, so yeah it's reliable.

Here's a photo of the interesting stuff you could win. 

The first thing I saw after I read the post, OMG so many entries!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I gots meself a haircut

Yes, after more than a year (sad but true) of complaining about the long hair (which make me look like ah poh), I finally cut my hair today.  Ahhh!~ Head feels lighter!

Recap of last year's haircut.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Opening of Hobby Densetsu (Moe Yume Branch)

Went to Star City North (formerly known as Kompleks Asia City) for lunch with my brother earlier.

Sabah Motor Bona nza Fair 2010 tomorrow.  My friend, Clay, band will be performing tomorrow.  Gonna go tomorrow to support!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Cats & Dogs Raining @_@"""

It's been raining today.  A reason for me to rest my legs and leave it to heal.  But a reason for me to go home early too.  But I decided to wait coz I desperately wanted to jog today.  But that didn't happen, why? It rained.  Not heavily but weird enuff that it flooded.  Very windy and super dark today.

Wat I was afraid of is being stuck in a jam for hours.  But that didn't happen.  I was stuck in a jam for more than half an hour.  I think.  I was so happy prior reaching home, lucky?  NOT!  I had this problem.

Sutera Harbour 7k Sunset Charity Run 2010 last Saturday

Yes! I've completed the 7k run last Saturday!  I feel gewd.  Went it with my bro and some friends.  I totally didn't expect it to be that many people.  I mean seriously! Check out some photos from my friend's album, here.  It's insane!  Next year I wanna be in front instead of in the middle, running from the middle trying to get through is hard.  And being separated with friends is not fun T_T I was running alone and I was sort of lost when trying to find the booth to change for lucky draw coupons *rofl.  Totally farnie.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Roadtrip to Music Fest 2010 at the Tip of Borneo, Kudat (Day 2)

Good Morning Sunshine!  That's my morning view.  Sunday plan, apart from going back to KK were to wake up early in the morning to check out Sidek Esplanade.  I'm the one who woke up and showered first.  Hot water ahhh.

Roadtrip to Music Fest 2010 at the Tip of Borneo, Kudat (Day 1)

I know I haven't been blogging much lately, I guess I ran out of story or maybe I was too lazy to come up with new ones lately.  Anyways, before I start with my post about roadtripping to Kudat, I totally recommend everyone to read this comic by a forumer, tetsuhighrose from LYN coz I thought his comic is awesome! XD

I'm not sure if you need to be a registered member to read this though, but here's a link, click me!  Just in case you can't and too lazy to register, you could drop me a message and I'll send you by email.  Hehehe.  Just coz I sent 77 images of that comic to a friend earlier today.  Yes, I'm such a multitasker.